Panchagavya Liquid Manure

Panchagavya is a significant element of Organic Farming. It is a type of an Organic Manure which is poison free manure at all. The Core elements are namely Desi Cow’s Ghee, Desi Cow’s Milk, Desi Cow’s Curd, Desi Cow’s dung and Desi Cow’s Urine, Sugarcane Juice or Jaggery, Tender Coconut Water, Well-Ripped Bananas etc, that typically promote the growth phenomenon.

Panchagavya efficiently works as an Organic manure, bio-stimulant and eventually assists resistance against various pest and concerning diseases.

It comprises of micronutrients, macronutrients, and typically growth hormones which is highly necessary for growth of crops.

Panchagavya also contains the significant microbes like yeast and Lactobacillus  that is rich in producing antibiotics which acts as a protective layer against pathogenic bacteria and fungi specifically.

Note: Most Commonly, Panchagavya is extremely advisable for all sorts of crops as foliar spray at 3% level respectively.

Components Used to prepare Panchagavya Liquid Manure

Panchagavya is significantly prepared through amazing blend of Desi Cow’s Urine, Desi Cow’s Milk, Desi Cow’s Dung, Desi Cow’s Ghee, Desi Cow’s Curd in different proportions. Also, This Product shows different role on different-different crops.

Chemical Composition Of Panchagavya

  • pH- 5.45
  • Total K (ppm)- 232
  • Total P (ppm)- 209
  • Total N (ppm)- 229
  • EC dSm2- 10.22
  • Calcium- 25
  • Sodium- 90
  • GA (ppm)- 3.5
  • IAA(ppm)- 8.5

Characteristics of Panchagavya  Liquid Manure

The basic characteristics of Panchagavya Liquid Manure is that it contains all macro and micro nutrients with the productive growth hormones namely IAA & GA which is extremely required for the growth of plants. It is an organic liquid fertilizer that stimulates the development and helps to boosts the intimate immunity in all kinds of plants.

Panchagavya Solution ( per ml) contains few bio fertilizer like Psudomonas (106), Phosphobacteria (107), Azotobactor (109), Azospirillum (1010) according to the latest reports respectively (Solaiappan, 2002).

Panchagavya when applied to water with high ph value, it helps reduce the ph value.
The low pH value of the solution is because of the production of organic acids which is the result of microbial fermentation.

The Fermentation Lactobacilli Is continually producing few beneficial metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide, organic acids and antibiotics which is highly repellent to the extreme harmful microbes as well as to promote the growth encouraging factors in plants.

For Instance, Microbial flora like yeast and lactobacilli are available in maximum proportion because of fermentation substrates such as sugarcane or jaggery juice as well as milk and milk products at low pH value.

What Research States About Panchgavya Liquid Manure

Globally, The Renowned Department Of Environmental Sciences, the technology states in one of their recent reports that-

Panchagavya has been basically standardized and commercialized. Also, Panchagavya leads to the increment of growth yields and quality of the production which was also proved through different trials recently.”

Effects of liquid manure on soil fertility

  • Organic manures excellently consists of macro and micro nutrients which enhances soil fertility and helps to make our environment more pollution free.
  • The most beneficial microorganisms and micronutrients typically encourage soil health and yields to good earth.
  • Panchagavya Liquid manure avoid pests and disease attack predominantly and helps to maintain pollution free environment.
  • Panchagavya Organic Manure helps to improve water holding capacity of soil to promote the sense of good earth.
  • Panchagavya Liquid Manure efficiently promotes the plants growth and provide extra immunity in the plant system.
  • Plenty of metabolites namely Hydrogen Peroxide, Organic Acid & Efficient antibiotics are created by microorganisms which are highly effective against a lots of pathogenic microorganisms!
  • Panchgavya Liquid manure increases Organic Carbon Content of soil which later act as source of carbon and energy for microbes and instant build-ups of heterotrophic micro-flora and fauna.

Awesome Benefits of Panchyagavya Liquid Manure application

Panchagavya has a deep and astonished benefits on Soil, Plants, Humans and Animals etc.

In the Vast field of agriculture, it dominantly plays a fantabulous role in crop production and crop management like Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Disease Management (IDM) respectively.

Impacts Of Panchgavya Liquid Manure On Various Fields

1- Impacts Of Panchgavya On Soil Health 

Panchagavya gives an amazing boost to  soil  fertility  by upgrading Organic Matter, Micro and Macro nutrient  in  soil  microbial  population  of  the  soil. 

It also enhance the nutrient uptake capacity of the plant due to better solubilisation in  the soil. It has displayed its tremendous impact on maintaining soil aggregate stability and promoting soil porosity. Along with that, It also encourage the maintenance of  pH level of the soil.  

According to Beaulah (2001), The potential microorganisms which are present into Panchagavya Liquid Manure has done a great improvement in sustainability of agriculture as same the microbial population available at the rhizosphere zone that influence yield and plant growth.

2- Impacts Of Panchagavya  On Growth  and Yield attributes

The maximum use of Panchgavya Liquid Manure Can lead to the bigger leaves and denser canopy. It will also help to  encourage the photosynthetic  activity to ultimately enhance the biological efficiency of plant.

Panchagavya effectively comes in use spread the roots into deeper layer of soil in order to uptake maximum nutrients from soil. Its effectual plant growth helps to promote the ability of photosynthesis system.

There are many astonishing and overwhelming result has  been come into vision after the application of Panchagavya Liquid Manure on commercial field crops and vegetables. It contains more nutrient  contents and also show some  insect repellent effect.   

The Panchagavya phenomenon has displayed many positive  impact on germination index, germination percentage, length of root and shoot, also dry and fresh weight of the seedlings, according to the specific agricultural report.

3- Impacts Of Panchagavya On Organic Farming

Application Of Natural Organic Manure such as Panchagavya is highly advisable to lead harmful chemical free crops. When we typically convert a land from  Inorganic to  Organic system, we commonly observe yield reduction under normal condition.

But You’ll get shocked by knowing that Panchagavya has the efficiency to make up the yield level of all crops from the very first year at the time of conversion into Organic from  Inorganic system. 

It also upgrade the shelf life and taste of the grains, fruits and vegetables and promote safe food. It helps to consume safe food to every sections of the good earth.

4- Impacts Of Panchagavya on Insects and Pest Management

Panchagavya shows its huge beneficial effect in reducing  the  disease and insect attack and also work as a pest- repellent. Banana Wilt can be  prevented by the application of Panchagavya.

Tomato Wilt can be controlled by the  soil  drenching of Maha Panchagavya Slurry 10%. It is also found that Panchagavya is much superior to Carbendazim in promoting  the fruits yielding and dominating the Plant Disease Index of Tomato.

Application Of Panchagavya On Several Crops

1- Application On Tomato Plant

First flowering at 26 days and 50 % flowering (29.67 days) was observed by the application of it. The early and 50 % flowering in tomato plant due to the presence of high amount of proline amino acid present in milk, as a compilation of Panchagavya (Shalika et al., 2008).

Just as above, the availability of huge amount of endogenous proline give boosts to auxins and cytokines towards early flowering in tomato!

2- Application On Chilli Plant

Chilli seeds were earlier soaked in 3% Panchagavya solution for about 30 minutes and then sown on nursery. After 73 DAP first spray of 3% Panchagavya solution was given to plant.

Every 20 days interval spray was given to plant till the harvesting. The first flowering was come to vision after 8th day of planting.

It was come into vision that the application of Panchagavya impacts effectively and increases various factors like number of branches, number of flowers and total yielding ratio etc.

3- Application On Baby Corn Plant

Recommended dose of fertilizer and Panchagavya solution was given to baby corn plant. Cob length, number of cob per plant and cob girth gave a beneficial result Panchagavya Liquid Manure and recommended dose of nutrients.

The utmost yield of babycornviz cob length (25.40, 26.66 cm), cob width (4.44, 4.46 cm) and particular cob weight (28.02, 26.69 g) were previously observed within RDF + 4 spray of 3% Panchagavya at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS.

Application of RDF and Panchagavya spray at different stages of crop growth  signifies to the extensive root system and better photosynthetic activity on plant. 

What Are Panchgavya’s Liquid Manure Recommended dosage?

(a) Spray system:-

(i) The 3% solution was recently found to be most effective in comparison to the higher and lower concentrations investigated.

(ii) Three litres of Panchagavya to every 100 litres of water is extremely ideal for all sorts of crops. The power sprayers belongs to 10 litres would require 300 ml/tank.

(iii) While spraying with power sprayer, sediments have to be filtered! When it got sprayed with hand sprayers, a nozzle having higher pore size has to be strictly used.

(b) Flow system:-

Certain solution of Panchagavya would be mix with 50 litres of irrigation water via flow irrigation or drip irrigation methods.

(c) Seed/seedling treatment:-

The 3% ultimate solution of Panchagavya Liquid Manure is specifically initiated to soak the seeds or may be dipping the seedlings just about to planting. Soaking for around 20 minutes is quite sufficient.

(d) Seed storage:-

The 3% of Panchagavya Solution can be ultimately used to dip the seeds prior to drying and storing them.


Our Gaushala ‘GOKULAM‘ has productively delivering the Panchgavya Liquid Manure Product having a straight-forward ambition of promoting welfare of all parts of society as well as to encourage the designing of good earth.

Core Point- ‘GOKULAM’ is our gaushala where we preserve 3 important Cow’s Breeds, viz, Red Sindh, Vechur and Punganur etc.

How’s GOKULAM’s Panchagavya Liquid Manure Is More Unique?

Our Panchagavya Liquid Manure is expeditiously made from Desi Cow Dung, Desi Cow Milk, Desi Cow Curd, Desi Cow Ghee and Desi Cow Urine which is completely pure and effective.

Panchagavya means basically 5 beneficial products derived from Cow. As per our tradition, Five Cow Products that is Panchagavya is flexibly interlinked to the five elements of good earth viz, Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Space!

To Be More Clear, Look Below the Mentioned Table-

  • Cow Dung Is Earth;
  • Cow Urine Is Air;
  • Cow Milk Is Water;
  • Cow Curd (Butter/Milk) Is Space;
  • Cow Ghee Is Fire.

Note- Usage of Panchagavya accurately balance all these elements in the soil.

 It is 100% organic manure. Our Panchagavya Liquid Manure make your garden blossom with beautiful flowers and produce poison free vegetables in your home/terrace garden. Must Choose it for maintenance of good earth and to promote the atmosphere of pollution free environment. 

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